Far Cry Timeline

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What’s on the Far Cry Timeline? This timeline only includes the Far Cry games, and the few other pieces of media that are part of the Far Cry story. So far, that makes for a small timeline. However, there is a theory that the Far Cry games are part of a larger universe. Check out … Read more

Watch_Dogs Timeline

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What’s on the Watch_Dogs Timeline? Watch_Dogs is a relatively new franchise from Ubisoft, featuring open worlds in the modern era. The protagonists are hackers and fight evil corporate organizations. So far, there are only two games and one work of written fiction. However, that may expand more in the future. Plus, if you believe the … Read more

Buffyverse Canon Timeline

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Debuting in the ’90s, Buffy became (and still is for many) the poster child for strong, independent kick-a** women.  Though the show has long been off the air, it still lives on through comics and other mediums. This is the Buffverse canon timeline. What’s on the Buffyverse Canon Timeline? There is a large expanded universe … Read more