While somewhat confusing to some, there is yet another animated Marvel universe that kicked off with the new 2017 animated series on Spider-Man. And this timeline takes us more or less to the present for Marvel animation.
What’s on the Marvel Animated Universe (2017) Timeline?
This timeline started with the 2017 Spider-Man animated show, which yet again rebooted the character in animation for younger audiences, coinciding with the release of MCU film.
However, there were already two other Marvel shows in production at the time, Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers Assemble. Both of these shows existed in the previous 2010s animated series. Confusingly, the last season of both of these shows suddenly started taking place in this universe, complete with an all-new animation style. That is why these shows appear to start in the middle of their run. Just remember the first part of both shows was part of a different continuity.
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