An alternate reality where Superman lives to see himself become the villain. This DC Injustice timeline follows the hit video games and their comic tie-ins.
What’s on the Injustice Timeline?
The Injustice timeline is an alternate timeline within the DC universe. In this timeline, Superman loses Lois Lane at the hands of the Joker. Superman then kills the Joker, becoming a villain in this universe. The change causes a rift among DC’s superheroes, with some siding with Superman, and others with his chief opponent: Batman. This timeline contains the two video games that make up the majority of this story, plus the tie-in comics that support it.
As with all of our timelines, if you see any problems be sure to let us know on our contact page. And if you like this timeline, you might want to check out all our other DC Comics timelines.
Where to Start?
You will best understand the story if you start with the original video game, Injustice: Gods Among Us, and then diving into the prequel comics after that. The game’s prologue is important if you want to understand the plot of the prequel stories.
Yo, you forgot Year Zero.