Though there have been many to take on the name, Captain Marvel is best known by modern audiences as Carol Danvers, who was played by Bree Larson in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This is the Captain Marvel reading order.
What’s on the Captain Marvel Reading Order?
This timeline assembles all of the major storylines that involve Captain Marvel. While it might not contain every single story with the character, it does look at the primary comics.
There are several characters that go by the name Captain Marvel (including Shazam!, now owned by DC Comics, but we won’t get into that here). The two best known are a male (Walter Lawson) and a female (Carol Danvers). This timeline includes all characters that have gone by that name, the bulk of which are made up of Lawson and Danvers.
If you like this timeline, be sure to check out our others. We have a lot of Marvel timelines in our Marvel Comics hub. Check it out! And if there’s anything you would add or change, let us know on our Facebook page.