Perhaps the most popular DC character, this reading order takes all of the major stories of the Dark Knight and places them in order.
What’s on the Batman Reading Order?
This timeline contains all of the major comic stories about DC’s popular character, Batman. While this list is not perfectly comprehensive, it includes most of the stories you would ever need to read. It allows you to experience the complete story of Batman. Get through this list, and you’ll be a leading expert on the character. Additionally, this timeline also includes several stories for Bat-family characters, such as Robin or Nightwing. If it’s relevant to the overall story of Batman and his team, you’ll find it here. Some of these stories cross over with mainstream DC events, but those are also important to further Batman’s storyline.
We assembled this list using multiple sources, and you should find most Batman stories here. However, if you see anything that is missing or could add to the list, don’t hesitate to contact us and let us know what we can do to improve the Batman reading order. Additionally, if you enjoyed this timeline, don’t forget to visit some of our others, such as the general DC Events and Recommended Reading page. Thank you again for visiting the site and be sure to click around! In the mean time, enjoy this Batman reading order.