Marvel Comics Timeline: The ’70s

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What’s in the Marvel Comics Timeline: The ’70s? Welcome to the third chapter of the Marvel Comics timeline. This section covers all of the major comics for popular Marvel characters from the 1970s. While many of these comics are forgettable, there are a few classics that you can find. This includes comics focusing on characters like Captain America, Spider-Man, … Read more

11 Best Fantasy Book Series

Here at All Timelines, we love long-form storytelling. As a result, we also love long fantasy series, the more books, the happier we are. A good portion of the traffic we get on this site are people looking to read one of the many series located in our fantasy timelines. So to help with those recommendations, here are our 11 best fantasy book series recommendation. These range in theme from YA fantasy, to epic fantasy, to urban fantasy. We will try not to pick and choose between subgenres, though we will keep it somewhat clean (sorry Game of Thrones).

Do you disagree with something on this list? Be sure to leave any comments you have below (keep it classy friends). Remember this is just our list, and we’d love to hear yours as well. We hope you enjoy!

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Marvel Comics Timeline: Classic Origins

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What’s in the Marvel Comics Timeline: Classic Origins? Welcome to the second chapter of the Marvel Comics timeline. This section covers all of the early origins for popular Marvel characters from the Golden/Silver ages of Marvel. This includes comics focusing on characters like Captain America, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and members of the Avengers. For the full list of timelines … Read more

Marvel Comics Timeline: The Beginning

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What’s in the Marvel Comics Timeline: The Beginning? Welcome to the first chapter of the Marvel Comics timeline. This first section covers all of the early chronology of the main Marvel timeline. This includes comics focusing on characters like Conan the Barbarian, Red Sonja, and some of the earliest tales of Asgard. For the full list of … Read more

The Future of the Arrowverse

As this site proves, I’m a huge fan of shared universes. Between Star Wars, Marvel, and DC Comics, I have found countless hours of entertainment. One of the biggest shared universes is the Arrowverse, named after the TV show Arrow, which started the timeline. The Arrowverse consists mostly of the shows Arrow, The Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow, though it also includes the 1-season run of Constantine and the short animated series, Vixen. Supergirl, on CBS, was another show that crossed over into the Arrowverse, but only in the form of an alternate dimension that the Flash was able to visit because he can do that.

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DC Essential Graphic Novels 2016 Review

DC Essential Graphic Novels 2016 is a recent guidebook to help you break into DC Comics, or to continue reading the cream of the crop. The brilliant thing about this catalog is that it’s free as an ebook on Amazon. Anyone can pick it up. The book starts with a list of the top 25 graphic novels produced by DC Comics, and I can agree with every one of them. The catalog then lists some of the best graphic novels for individual characters, including those that take place in chronological order, and those considered standalone comics (out of continuity).

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Marvel Events Timeline and Recommended Reading

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What’s in the Marvel Events Timeline? This Marvel events timeline and recommended reading list attempts to give you the most essential stories from the Marvel universe. Obviously, the Marvel universe has been around for a very long time. In that time, thousands of trade paperbacks have been released with these stories. We’re working on assembling … Read more

DC: Underworld Unleashed – Infinite Crisis Timeline

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What’s in the Underworld Unleashed to Infinite Crisis Timeline? Here is the timeline for the DC trade paperbacks from Underworld Unleashed (just after Zero Hour) to Infinite Crisis. The Infinite Crisis timeline is very complex, and takes place at the end of this timeline, and pushes into the following comics timeline. As with the other … Read more

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Jar Jar Binks

Star Wars is many things, and has many messages. One of, in my opinion, the most important messages that Star Wars presents is that small and innocent means provide a foil for the mighty. Let’s call that the thesis of this post.

In response to the enormous amount of Jar Jar hate that is still prevalent out there (Seriously people? It’s been 16 years, give it a rest), I’ve articulated my thoughts on his role to the saga as a whole. You cannot exclude Jar Jar from the saga and have it keep the same weight. What he represents not only gives the prequels an extra layer of meaning, but also improves the original films. Because of the controversial nature of this topic, I am not writing it for, but you can expect a post about the Fool archetype sometime in the future.

So let’s get down to it.

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