The short story that spawned a film that spawned a novelization that spawned a series, the Space Odyssey series has long been considered one of Arthur C. Clarke’s masterpieces. This is the Space Odyssey reading order.
What’s on the Space Odyssey Reading Order?
The Space Odyssey reading order takes the series written by Arthur C. Clarke and places each of the books in chronological order. This includes the film that was produced at the same time as the book. This timeline does not include the comics that were produced shortly after the release of the film.
This timeline also includes the Time Odyssey series which were described by Clarke as being “neither a sequel nor a prequel.” Instead the series is more of a spiritual successor to the original series, taking place in a parallel universe of sorts. Because of their thematic relationship, the two series are both included on this list.
Where to Start?
I would actually recommend you read the 2001: A Space Odyssey novelization, even though it came after the film. It will help you make sense of the film when you see it. Then you can proceed in order from there.
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