He was the first Star Wars character to get his own spin-off film. Han Solo captured the heart of many, and has some of the most character growth throughout the many stories he’s a part of.
What’s on the Han Solo Canon Timeline?
This timeline contains all of the major stories that involve Han Solo. It begins with the story of his childhood in Solo: A Star Wars Story and its tie-ins. And it ends…well we won’t spoil it if somehow you’ve been living under a rock.
This timeline does not include every single story with Han in it. But it does include all of the stories that really impacted his character development and plot. These include the original films, his prequel film, and The Force Awakens, among others. Though we threw in a few side stories we liked.
We hope you enjoy this Han Solo canon timeline. And don’t forget to visit all of our other Star Wars timelines on our Star Wars hub page. As always, if you see anything that needs changing, let us know.