The Amalgam Universe is a mashup of Marvel and DC characters. This timeline includes those stories as well as the Marvel vs. DC stories that have popped up from time to time.
DC Comics Timelines
World’s Finest Reading Order
What better team-up can you have then Batman and Superman. One of the first superhero team-ups, these World’s Finest have been around since the Golden Age of DC Comics.
Watchmen Reading Order
An alternate, darker timeline, the original Watchmen comic became a hit sensation. They were later expanded in prequel books, and included in DC’s Rebirth.
Swamp Thing Reading Order
One of the DC Universe’s darkest characters, he quickly became one of its most interesting. He is the protector of the Green.
Teen Titans Reading Order
Possibly DC’s second most well-known team, the Teen Titans bring most of the teenage sidekicks together, along with some other, unique teenage superheroes.
Supergirl Reading Order
Supergirl is perhaps the most important member of the Superfamily, next to Superman himself. In fact, she’s even more powerful than Superman in several ways…
Superboy Reading Order
Superboy is an interesting character, mostly due to him being just as powerful as Superman, but a bit less mentally stable…
Suicide Squad Reading Order
Suicide Squad recently came into popularity because of the film, but they’ve been around for a long time, forced to fight for the “good” guys.
Shazam Reading Order
One of DC’s earliest heroes, Shazam brings a youthful innocence that is still very popular with all ages.
Sandman Reading Order
Made famous by Neil Gaiman, the Sandman is one of the more strange characters in DC’s lineup. Read his essential stories.